Sermon on the Mount - Lesson 10 - Matt 6:9-15

Image from University Reformed Church website

The way we live is a direct reflection of how we view God. Do you agree with that? As we've been going through the Sermon on the Mount we're seeing that the Pharisees view God very differently from the Christians around them, and the way they live is the result. Last week Jesus gave three examples of that difference: almsgiving, prayer, and fasting. But not only did Jesus point out the hypocrisy of the Pharisees in prayer, but he also gave believers a model prayer. It's that prayer, the Lord's Prayer, that we'll be studying this week from Matthew 6:9-15. From this prayer we see how we ought to view God, and thus it affects how we live and pray. Please join us this week as we reflect on this oft repeated prayer and dive into what we are praying for when we say it.