Sermon on the Mount - Lesson 07 - Matt 5:21-32

Sermon on the Mount - Lesson 07 - Matt 5:21-32

In this passage Jesus tells us, it is not enough to simply not murder physically, but we also shouldn't destroy others' lives verbally. There is also the issue of the heart, that we ought not hate our brother in our heart. How many of us are guilty of murder without a knife or gun? Jesus also tells us it is not enough that we do not commit adultery with our bodies, but we also must not commit adultery in our hearts. How many of us are guilty of such lust? The third issue we will study is that of divorce.

Sermon on the Mount - Lesson 06 - Matt 5:17-20

Sermon on the Mount - Lesson 06 - Matt 5:17-20

We will note three things this week: 1) Jesus does not abrogate, that is to tear down piece by piece, the law. Rather his teaching is a continuance of previous Old Testament teaching. 2) The law for Christian living demands meticulous observance. We often call these people nit-picky legalists, but Jesus shows us the importance of adhering to all the law including parts we might consider minutiae. 3) There is a complete distinction between the righteousness of the Pharisees and Christians. The Pharisees so called righteousness was not enough to earn entrance into God's kingdom, rather our God demands much more righteousness that can only be had in Christ through the Holy Spirit.

Sermon on the Mount - Lesson 05 - Matt 5:13-16

Sermon on the Mount - Lesson 05 - Matt 5:13-16

In Matthew 5:13-16 we find that Christians are two things: salt and light. We know that salt is a preservative meant to keep rot and decay away. That is exactly the Christian's job as a follower of Christ. The salt is to keep society and culture from plunging headlong into decay. This is only accomplished by Christians looking different than the world and staying true to Scripture, yet when Christians do not act differently they become worthless, good for nothing but to be trampled on.